Tuesday, September 20, 2016

StorSimple Set-Item TrustedHost Error

While trying to remotely manage our Azure StorSimple device over PowerShell, I consistently received the following error while running Set-Item to add the TrustedHost:

Set-Item : The client cannot connect to the destination specified in the request. Verify that the service on the destination is running and is accepting requests.... 

On the surface, you would think this is an issue with WinRM on the device itself.  I confirmed connectivity to the device by enabling ping (Enable-HcsPing) and validated the WinRM port (5986) using telnet.  However, I continued to get this error.

In my case, the issue was the fact the local "Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)" service was not running locally.  Sigh...


  1. Lol. Thanks for this post Mike. We just had the same issue and this has resolved it for us. Sometimes the most obvious things are the last things you check!

  2. Glad to hear this resolved your issue! Happy thanksgiving :-)

  3. This was my problem too, thanks for posting!
